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Review & Approvals for International Projects

For any international project or program, you typically need the same internal approvals as domestic projects, plus there may be additional requirements at the University and School level. Review the types of international programs requiring approval and when and how to seek it.

University Review

If your proposal is not submitted to an office of sponsored programs, then you should:

  1. Determine whether your program meets the criteria for Provost’s review(link is external). If so, follow instructions on that page for submitting the proposal for review.
  2. Determine whether your proposal meets the criteria for review by the University Committee on International Projects and Sites(link is external) (UCIPS).

Programs are reviewed for their academic value, feasibility, sustainability, and consistency with the University’s mission of teaching and research. By design, this review occurs before many administrative details are worked out. The Assistant Provost for International Affairs(link is external) can advise on the review process and criteria for international projects.

In most cases, you’ll already have a written proposal for your project, whether for a sponsor, a donor, or a collaborating institution. This proposal will likely be sufficient for Provost’s review or UCIPS review. If you don’t have a proposal already, review our general outline.

Outline for Preparing a Proposal

School Review

Schools may have additional approval processes, so you’ll need to consult with your School’s Research Administration Office, Finance Office, or Dean’s Office, as applicable, about your specific School-based review requirements.

This is particularly important if your project requires UCIPS review, as some Schools have formed committees to review international programs meeting certain criteria; alternatively they may have more informal processes for other programs.

IRB Review

International projects involving human subjects will require IRB review at Harvard and may also require review by a foreign IRB in the project’s host country. The Office of the Vice Provost for Research can help navigate these requirements.

The transfer of human subject research data or human subject samples across borders may also trigger criteria for an export license. Review our export and import controls information before shipping or hand-carrying items across borders.

Cambridge & Allston campuses IRB(link is external)

Longwood IRB(link is external)

Export & Import Controls

Other Considerations & Approvals

You may also need additional approvals for certain activities, like to lease real estate or to register to conduct business. Following approval, you should conduct further due diligence on the following activities, as applicable:

Ready to Get Started?

We can help you by reviewing the administrative components of your proposal and working with you to develop a strong plan. Consult with us early in planning for your project, and we may be able to suggest solutions that can help you avoid unexpected costs and delays.

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