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Getting scammed can happen to the best of us. Learn what to watch for to avoid being a target.
5 Common Scams to Recognize
At some point during your travels—if it hasn't happened already—you may be scammed. Although it can be shocking, it happens to many folks, and there are several strategies you can adopt to avoid falling victim to repeated scams. Awareness is the first step, and we recommend watching out for the following scams in particular.
Request from a Kind Stranger
Never, it bears repeating, NEVER agree to transport packages, envelopes, suitcases, or anything not belonging to you, for a stranger—no matter how desperate or heartbreaking their story may seem. You could become an unsuspecting smuggler or mule (à la Claire Danes' and Kate Beckinsale's characters in the movie Brokedown Palace). If you're caught smuggling anything illegal, local officials won't care that you were scammed into the situation.
Again, if you're ever asked to transport anything for a stranger, say no and walk away.
This Round Is on Me
You're overseas and meet someone at a bar, or you end up at a bar of their choosing. Next thing you know, your new friend is gone, and you owe the bar an exorbitant bill. Don't have a credit card? Don't worry, the scammers may even take you to an ATM to get the money you owe. Men tend to be the most common target for this scam. There have been times when the victims pay the bills, sometimes in the thousands, just to remove themselves from the situation.
If you're at a bar, ask for the cost of a drink each time before ordering, or consider paying for each round individually. This may seem extreme, but you're better off safe than sorry—and with your savings intact.
Be mindful that your travel could make your family back home susceptible to a scam. In what is commonly referred to as the grandparents scam, a con artist calls your family pretending to be you and asks for money. They claim it’s an emergency and ask for the money to be sent through Western Union. Usually, the level of information that can make this type of scam possible is readily available online.
To protect you and your family from this type of scam, you can limit the information you post on social media, avoid posting in real time and tagging your location, and use strict privacy settings on your accounts. Keep in regular contact with your family and friends back home, and consider agreeing on a safe word to use with them in case of an emergency so that they can detect a scam if it occurs.
Broken Taxi Meters
Oftentimes, taxi drivers can spot which people entering their vehicle aren't local or don’t know much about the area. In an attempt to upcharge riders, they may claim their meter is broken. Other times, taxi drivers may intentionally drive off with riders’ personal belongings still in the vehicle.
To protect yourself from these scams, only use reputable taxi companies. If you're unsure, ask a hotel or restaurant to call a cab for you. Only use taxis with working meters, or agree on a price before the car departs, and grab your belongings before paying your fare. You may also want to consider the advantages of using a trusted rideshare app, depending on their availability in your location.
Skimming and Free Cash
ATM withdrawal scams are some of the most common scams. In many cases, thieves install a card skimmer over the original card reader and install or re-direct a security camera on the ATM to point at the keypad and screen rather than at the person using the ATM. The thieves can then steal the ATM user’s account and PIN information. When withdrawing cash, only use ATMs in well-lit, safe locations, such as inside hotels or banks. Check the card reader for anything that looks suspicious and where the ATM camera is facing.
In another scam, well-dressed individuals may offer help or free cash at ATM machines to unsuspecting travelers, opening opportunities to rob them. Don’t accept help or offers from strangers near an ATM, and you may want to wait to use the ATM until no one else is around.
General Scam Safety Tips
- Don't pick up abandoned valuables or items that don’t belong to you in public.
- When sitting, keep bags between your feet or loop them through a chair leg.
- Be discerning about strangers who approach you on the street; meeting new people is one of the joys of travel, but always trust your instincts and put your safety first.
- Don’t let strangers divert your attention away from your belongings or draw you away from public spaces (e.g., spilling food or drink on you, or asking you to help them in another location.)
If you've been scammed while on a Harvard-related trip abroad, let us know so we can provide you with the proper support. While abroad, contact International SOS, our 24/7 global emergency response program, at +1-617-998-0000 or through the Assistance App. You can also contact International SOS to report the incident after you've returned. Learning about your experiences helps us educate future travelers.
Before you travel, research your destination thoroughly. The following resources can help:
- CIA: The Word Factbook
- International SOS destination guides, available in the Assistance App and member portal (log in with your HarvardKey)
- US State Department country information